Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

2 Universities

7 Courses

1 Subject

Benchmark - Personal Model of Leadership

Model of Leadership

Q Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words that presents your complete personal model of leadership. Be sure to incorporate the instructor’s feedback from the draft of Part 1. The two parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows: Select values from the "Rokeach Values Survey" that will provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. Be sure to select values for all four of the levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal. Be sure to incorporate the feedback from your instructor from your previous draft. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior? How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society? How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the Christian World View, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior?

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In order to create a successful and properly functioning leadership model, terminal and instrumental principles are also interlinked and fit well together. As regards my own leadership style, self-respect, genuine friendship, logic and accountability will act as core principles for the actions. All four leadership levels, personal, interactive, organizational and corporate, are portrayed. Personally, a leader has self-respect for his capacity to provide, which results in a strong